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About Zaeem


Product Manager

                  Innovative, Analytical
        Collaborative and Results-oriented


Since I was a kid, curiosity and ambition have been driving forces in my life. I asked so many questions in elementary school that my teachers encouraged my father to have me take the entrance exam for the NODET (National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents) high school program. I passed the exam and got in, which opened up a world of opportunities.

High school was when my fascination with Physics took hold. I couldn't get enough of understanding how math could help us interpret and predict the behavior of the natural world. My passion for Physics led me to compete in the Physics Olympiad, where I was honored to receive the gold medal, ranking among the top 10 physics students in the country. That achievement gave me the freedom to choose my major and university without having to go through the grueling nationwide entrance exam.

I pursued dual degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics, but as time went on, I discovered a shift in my interests. Although I appreciated the solitary nature of problem-solving, I craved collaboration and the power of teamwork. This realization coincided with the rise of the iPhone, and I found myself captivated by the endless possibilities that technology offered in solving age-old problems.

Fuelled by an entrepreneurial spirit, I took a leap of faith and founded a mobile gaming company. Together with a team of developers, designers, and artists, we dove headfirst into the realm of creativity, technology, and human psychology. It was an eye-opening experience that showed me firsthand how different disciplines could intersect to bring innovative solutions to life.

Throughout my journey, I've become deeply fascinated by the process of turning ideas into tangible products that truly resonate with users. I've dedicated myself to understanding user needs, gathering valuable insights, and translating them into innovative digital experiences. My background in physics has given me a solid foundation in analytical thinking and problem-solving. And my experiences in entrepreneurship and game development have fueled my creativity and ability to think outside the box.

Now, as a seasoned Product Manager, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise, an entrepreneurial mindset, and strategic thinking to drive the success of digital products. By adopting a holistic approach and considering the entire customer journey, I consistently strive to challenge assumptions and uncover valuable opportunities for enhancing the product experience. I thrive on collaborating with cross-functional teams, guiding product development from start to finish, and delivering exceptional user experiences. I'm excited about the opportunity to utilize my skills and passion for product management to make a meaningful impact within a dynamic and innovative team.


"Zaeem has a natural ability to understand the needs of his customers and translate them into innovative and user-friendly solutions. He is a strategic thinker who always keeps the big picture in mind, while also paying attention to the details that make a product successful. His strong technical skills, coupled with his exceptional communication and leadership abilities, have enabled him to successfully manage complex projects from start to finish.

In addition to his technical and project management skills, Zaeem is a great team player and a pleasure to work with. He has a positive attitude and a willingness to collaborate with others to achieve the best results. He leads by example, always demonstrating professionalism, dedication, and a passion for his work."

Ali G. Touchaei 
Chief Growth Officer @ West Coast Dental Services 

Tech Enthusiast

With a diverse skill set, I strive to bring a comprehensive understanding of the entire product lifecycle, from customer interviews and journey mapping to hypothesis validation and data analysis. My proficiency in marketing and design allows me to develop products that are user-centric and aim to exceed expectations.

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to utilize a wide range of tools and technologies to drive product success. This includes leveraging platforms like Google Analytics, Tableau, Mailchimp, SurveyMonkey, Roadmunk, and more to gain valuable insights from data and inform strategic decisions. Additionally, I have gained experience in project management, working with tools like Jira and implementing methodologies such as SCRUM, Agile, and Linear.

Furthermore, I have developed a solid foundation in utilizing SQL, Python, and Scikit-learn for data analysis and modeling. I approach product management with humility, recognizing that there is always more to learn and room for improvement. By combining technical expertise with a deep understanding of user needs and market dynamics, I aim to navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and deliver innovative solutions that drive growth and customer satisfaction.


Feel free to contact me for discussions on work or side project collaborations, sharing feedback and insights, or simply connecting. I value engaging in new conversations and will strive to respond promptly. Cheers!

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